🚨 Urgent Action Alert
We are devasted by the shooting at the Vancouver Mall. Help us prevent this from happening again.
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We also focus on
Keeping kids safe

Increasing community safety and preventing shootings and homicides

Those who’ve been most impacted by gun tragedies also most understand solutions. Real change requires an approach that prevents future violence, focuses on system level change, and ensures justice and accountability from law enforcement.

Preventing homicides and shootings in the metro area

In the Portland metro region, local organizations led primarily by Black and Brown communities, are leading violence prevention programs that are reducing shootings and homicides. Their work is making a difference.

Too often, calls to end gun violence lead to calls for increased law enforcement. While we do know law enforcement has a role in decreasing gun violence and closing cases, law enforcement alone approaches do not work. In fact, approaches that focus on criminalization and over-policing actually increase violence.

Rather, any community safety strategy must prioritize prevention. Community violence intervention organizations provide many services, rooted in preventing violence and doing restorative work if violence has occurred. These organizations work directly with families and neighborhoods most impacted by gun tragedies, providing street-level community outreach and conflict mediation, job training, trauma and mental health support and more.

To be effective, these organizations need to be sustainably funded for the long-term.
Leonard James "LJ" Irving was shot and killed in North Portland after breaking up a confrontation at a birthday party. LJ was a loving father who left behind three children. For over a decade, his family had no answers or justice but after much advocacy, the person who shot LJ was eventually convicted. To help support others, his mother Lucy Mashia, founded “You are Not Alone” a support group for those who’ve lost loved ones to violence.
“It will never be ok that LJ’s kid’s don’t have a father,” said Lucy.

– Lucy Mashia

Increasing Opportunities

Community violence is rooted in generations of exclusion and lack of opportunities. Some of the most important changes we can make to prevent gun violence must happen at a system level, including:
  • Creating better job opportunities and transitions out of high school, especially for men ages 18-25
  • Increasing mental health support
  • Increasing affordable housing in the metro area
  • Ensuring youth and families have food security

Supporting Survivors

After losing loved ones to gun homicides, or facing the trauma of shootings in your neighborhood, families and communities need support, including mental health support, physical support, and, for many, justice and accountability.


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